Robinhood Ranch Team
The common factor uniting us is a deep desire to be of service to our children.
All team members take part in Leadership, Development, Growth, and Empowerment.
We, not I. Us, not me.
Collaboration is Key
The team culture we create rests on the foundation of service, ethics, and having fun together while on this journey!
Patricia Artis
Priya Ahlawat (Founder)
John Toth
John William Butterfield
Jay Johnson
Jacquie Chandler
Al Alfaro
Amy MacCollen
Adam Romer
Adrianna Gutierrez
Belinda Mencarelli
Beth Sutton
Brian Mick
Bill Bryan
Sanjog Singh
Sean Crom
Tawanna Walker
Tom Summers
Mary Alber
Michelle Raz
Mark Spangrud
Lucas Paul
Laura Watson
Rich Squailia
Ryan Gerchman
Yvette Clark
YangBo Du
Evan Brauer
Ernie Wren
Join the team
What we are looking for in our team mate:
ethics, patience, humility, service mindset, flexibility & openness to new experiences AND someone who doesn't take life too seriously:)